Monday, June 9, 2008

thanks babe!

im thanking najwa for giving me the pictures she edited petang td. hehe. it was really cute babe! hehe santek-santek.

FYI, she has the talent! she's really good in arts stuff, coloring,sketching, matching this and that hehe, thats just so najwa. =)

wanie & najwa

najwa & me

we had a litte talk in ym too, she spilled every single story about her "dirty little secret" hehehehe! hehe, takde la.. its been a while since we had that kinda conversation.hehe,
miss you babe!

ouh, and i am infected by the disease of "tak kesah pasal phone" hehehe.

ala, beb,,it was from u! so, kau jangan ckp banyak ekh! hehehe. she was wondering where was i cause i didnt reply her text or even picked up her calls..ouh! and not even tell her that i have a blog now.poor her! heheheh.

awww, u rindu i. terharu, muahahahaha =D

fath just got back from kedah..her kampung last night.
it was nice to just talk to her.she's my gossip partner! hehe, forever babe! hugs! fath & me being quite reserved.and i am pretty much comfortable with it.
i really do miss them alot! and i just cant wait to go back to school.hehe.

rindu korang! najwa and fath!

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