Tuesday, June 10, 2008


i dont know why, i had this conversation with najwa and fath just now. we let out our feelings that we kept all this while. and yeah, we talked about our studies,our life after grad..who's goin to get married first..ahaha, yada,yada,yada..just everything! i guess the three of us really could click very well! we could talk about everything without keeping any secrets. yes, they are my soul! soul sisters baby! but the part where i felt a bit down was when we admitted that the course that we're taking, laws. its getting tougher.. and i realised that im scared that i could not make it through.

and that made me scared! seriously.

i was thinking whether am i going to get the degree, the scroll..
"Bachelor of Laws" that sounds good kan, like woaahhh.
people would be like :

"blaja mana?'"

"blaja uia.."

"wow,amek apa?"

"amek law.."

"terer nye amek law..mesti pandai"

haish people, stop saying that. i felt like a burden to me.

its getting harder, but my mom always said, "belajar mana tak susah"
yea, i know..but the thing is now, im thinking am i goin to be a lawyer nanti?
haish, well ill try my best, and yea..the course might not be the one that i actually wanted to do. but i've chosen it, and i am almost halfway through. cant turn back. its also my dad's dream to see one of her daughter studying law. my last sem results was just average for me. i know my level and i will just keep on trying. i know i can do this, i have to help myself in order to achieve my goals. it is still blurry but i know i am on the right path.

i hope.

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