Tuesday, June 10, 2008

my favorite team kalah!

Italy lost to Netherlands of 3-0!

yea, im kinda addicted to football now since the euro2008 is heating up this month!
oh, im loving it. =D
im supporting Portugal, France, Italy and Germany.

i just watched Italy vs Netherlands, and i have to admit that the dutch played bole la..
hehe, i dont know how to judge but yeah, through what i have seen just now, yea.. they're good. hehe, but heck! canavaro wasnt in the team, sebab tu la italy tak menang! haih. takpe, chill.. there'll be the next game. =)
netherlands won after 30 years! and yeah..they played hard, and they've shown their effort.
well done!

to my dearest italy, haih..main la betul-betul. hehe
i mean, i know they can play bagus lagi after this! im hoping for the best of them.i have faith on them! ceh!
they're the world champs for god sake! they're still the one! yeah baby!

its 5:52 a.m and im still awake. cant sleep.


i dont know why, i had this conversation with najwa and fath just now. we let out our feelings that we kept all this while. and yeah, we talked about our studies,our life after grad..who's goin to get married first..ahaha, yada,yada,yada..just everything! i guess the three of us really could click very well! we could talk about everything without keeping any secrets. yes, they are my soul! soul sisters baby! but the part where i felt a bit down was when we admitted that the course that we're taking, laws. its getting tougher.. and i realised that im scared that i could not make it through.

and that made me scared! seriously.

i was thinking whether am i going to get the degree, the scroll..
"Bachelor of Laws" that sounds good kan, like woaahhh.
people would be like :

"blaja mana?'"

"blaja uia.."

"wow,amek apa?"

"amek law.."

"terer nye amek law..mesti pandai"

haish people, stop saying that. i felt like a burden to me.

its getting harder, but my mom always said, "belajar mana tak susah"
yea, i know..but the thing is now, im thinking am i goin to be a lawyer nanti?
haish, well ill try my best, and yea..the course might not be the one that i actually wanted to do. but i've chosen it, and i am almost halfway through. cant turn back. its also my dad's dream to see one of her daughter studying law. my last sem results was just average for me. i know my level and i will just keep on trying. i know i can do this, i have to help myself in order to achieve my goals. it is still blurry but i know i am on the right path.

i hope.

Monday, June 9, 2008

"Terima Kasih Cinta"


wanie! i told you afgan looks like ur brother aby.
ade sikit la.
well, he's cute.

Tersadar didalam sepiku
Setelah jauh melangkah
Cahaya kasihmu menuntunku
Kembali dalam dekap tanganmu
Terima kasih cinta untuk segalanya
Kau berikan lagi kesempatan itu
Tak akan terulang lagi
Semuaaa kesalahanku yang pernah

Tanpamu tiada berarti
Tak mampu lagi berdiri
Cahaya kasihmu menuntunku
Kembali dalam dekapan tanganmu

Terima kasih cinta untuk segalanya
Kau berikan lagi kesempatan itu
Tak akan terulang lagi
Semuaaa kesalahanku yang pernah


Terima kasih cinta untuk segalanya
Kau berikan lagi kesempatan itu
Tak akan terulang lagi
Semuaaa kesalahanku


Kesalahanku yang pernah menyakitimu..

i wonder what is the actual meaning of "cinta" in real life..
i have seen the movie "cinta" and some other movie like "love actually" all those romantic movies, which is my favourite genre of movies. =)
but in real life cinta cannot be based on fairytales where to some people they do believe in it.
cause in fairytales, the couple lived happily ever after.
that is everyone's wish in life, but be realistic and expect the unexpected.

love hurts, but being in love is wonderful.
we're differ in our definitions for there are tons of meaning of love.

love connects people.


thanks babe!

im thanking najwa for giving me the pictures she edited petang td. hehe. it was really cute babe! hehe santek-santek.

FYI, she has the talent! she's really good in arts stuff, coloring,sketching, matching this and that hehe, thats just so najwa. =)

wanie & najwa

najwa & me

we had a litte talk in ym too, she spilled every single story about her "dirty little secret" hehehehe! hehe, takde la.. its been a while since we had that kinda conversation.hehe,
miss you babe!

ouh, and i am infected by the disease of "tak kesah pasal phone" hehehe.

ala, beb,,it was from u! so, kau jangan ckp banyak ekh! hehehe. she was wondering where was i cause i didnt reply her text or even picked up her calls..ouh! and not even tell her that i have a blog now.poor her! heheheh.

awww, u rindu i. terharu, muahahahaha =D

fath just got back from kedah..her kampung last night.
it was nice to just talk to her.she's my gossip partner! hehe, forever babe! hugs! fath & me

yea..lately..im being quite reserved.and i am pretty much comfortable with it.
i really do miss them alot! and i just cant wait to go back to school.hehe.

rindu korang! najwa and fath!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

im over it.

i hate it when all of the sudden i remember the Past.
i have moved on.
i could considered it as my nightmare and my lesson to be learned.


shuh, shuh, shuh, please go away!

its been a while..

yesterday, i recieved a call from my chilhood bestfriend, shahidah. yeah, it has been a while since we last met and talked. she's been busy with her assignments and her hectic life in perak. she's studying in kpm perak.

we talked for hours! banyak sangat nak cakap. macam tak habis-habis! hehehe. it was fun to just let it out everything! seriously, ive poured everything to her yesterday. i dont know why, i guess i just missed her so much. she's a great listener.

she was my bestfriend since we were in standard 1! can u imagine that, sangat lama da. 13 years of friendship. she used to be my "kakak" hehe, and i was the "adik". cuz everyone tgk kitorg muka nak sama kut. hehehe.

how funny things has changed now, i have my other 6 bestfriends. they are my world and my happiness. i dont know what would i do,not having them with me. we're stuck together da.
so did she, she has other closed friends in perak too. but we're still the same like we used to back in high school.fun memories.

thanks for calling me semalam.
rindu u!

love her to bits!
purple is her favourite color

my current addiction =)

im so so so addicted to this song called "terima kasih cinta"
its a lovely song.

im melting.
hello there,

hehe, since wanie cakap my blog okay, the i sambung la tulis balik. =) hehe.

okay, nothing much for today.cuz i was at home all day long. my parents went back to batu pahat amek my atok n pak long. they're staying here tonite, then esok pergi rumah my aunty.jaga cucu-cucu kesayangan dia. not to say that im not her beloved grand daughter jugak, but yeah lagi sayang yang kecik2 la.. hehe.

okayyy, last wednesday..my family n i, we went to jb cuz we had a kenduri at the hotel which will be launching in few weeks time.asyik delay jer.
it was fun la,some sort of gathering..makan-makan.we stayed in a hotel called THE ZON. the hotel was really nice and cantik la jugak cuz its just near the laut, and sangat dekat dgn singapore.
hehehe. bole nampak tempat pembakaran sampah s'pore. haish.
the hotel was a "duty free zone" where the goods were much more cheaper. i bought a pair of sandals.i like! and the place has a lot of bars and clubs and for you guys out there who loves to go clubbing, it might be the right place to stay in.dekat bawah jer, and berderet, pilih je nak masuk mana.
and on thursday night, my uncle decided to go in front of the clubs where there was a big fountain and sat there to see orang mabuk. ehe. tapi tade ponnnnnnn. but the day before banyak gila.
haih, jakun i. =)

went back on friday, it was really a long journey. felt like "bila la nak sampai, tak sampai-sampai". we stopped at jejantas ayer keroh, and i met someone that i've never expected, hehe. i jumpa "mawi" hehehehehe. yea, dulu punya la tak suka, but hey,,he's really a nice guy. he's with his gf, si ekin tu. shish. hehehe. and i have to admit that he's a good looking guy.ehe.
so, the day was just about mawi, mawi ni, mawi tu la. haish. and im guessing that all the rumours of mawi and ekin were true.

sampai rumah terus online. rindu sudah.

ouh, this guy. "man" i wonder siapa dia. =)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


its a title of a song. he's an Indonesian singer, and he is really hot. =D his name is Marcell,and the song has a deep meaning towards me. haha. but yes, it does.

to me, firasat is about what i think on something, my thoughts, its about how i feel towards things that happens around me. its about how i act upon it because it reflects the way i am.

recently, my best friend halim, told me that "you da lain la, serious you're not fara yang i kenal dulu". those words stunned me. because at that particular moment, i began to realised everything! it made me think the whole night.cuz i kept on wondering on how did i changed so drastically till people could noticed the differences.

that's his firasat on me. we've became friends since form 1 till now. he's my best friend. =)

thanks to him, I've realised it, that i wasn't being myself all this while. i was trying to be like other people.

there are reasons why.but ill keep it to myself, all i know is that I've moved on and I've changed.

yeah..baru i sedar everything! I'm not gonna be the same person as before. i have my friends who are constantly there for me. and my family of course.

there are few things that happened before i realised all this, it was so sudden that this realization came into me.come to think back about all the past memories, it made me smile.

a guy who came into my life,him. whom i used to call as "my other half" walked out just like that after 15 months of relationship..9 months of "happiness" and 6 months of "suffering".

dear you,thanks for the memories.it has been a great experienced being with you.and you have taught me a lot of things and one of them is to not trust a person just like i trust you.

because now i got to know the real you.

my relationship between me and my friends. we had a small conflict, but we managed to settled it. no matter how bad we argued, at the end we're still together because of the friendship that we've build.honesty among each other is a must.though it hurts, to me that's what friends are for.

wanie,najwa,alya,fath,galoh,faz. they are my joy.we are differ in our characters and personality and that what makes it complete. full with laughter and sadness.

this man came after being quiet for quite some time.i have known him for such a long time i could say.

he came and filled me with his funny jokes and sweet words, he is a sweet talker.i do admit that i was really comfortable talking with him.like we could almost talk about everything, and we could talk for hours! he never bores me.he has this way of calming. perhaps its because he's much older.haihhh.why la I'm being so dumb and listen jer n not think about the consequences that will happen.he is someones.

and it did happened. shit happened. he walked away.i am a bit down,but lucky enough that i got the strength to overcome it.because he wasn't even mine.i didn't have deep feelings towards him.

i mean, i was about to,nearly started.

thanks to him, now i know that there are types of man that i have to watch out.

and now i have a clearer perspective in finding the right one.

i was stupid back then, not realising that i was being irrational towards certain things. this is the real life, and I'm ready to start a new chapter.like wanie said, maybe this is the phase of discovering life. hehe. yea,perhaps it is.


the first one

This is my first entry.
hehe. kelaka la.its funny cuz my sister keep on asking me "buat la blog,buat la blog" till she fell asleep.kesian dia.hehe.i was like "i nak tulis ape!".plus, my english is bad.hehe.campur-campur je lah! hehe.
ouh, n wanie,my dearest wanie! pun suruh buat.heh, so,this is it.i da buat da.yay!
hopefully ill update it selalu since i've got nothing to do at the moment.and also for days to come.
for a start,
yesterday, i went out with my sayangs, (wanie,najwa and alya) we went to klcc, aha, a bit tired before sampai klcc cuz the three of us except wanie, silap naik train.supposedly we're heading to klcc, but we took the train that head back to Kelana Jaya.haha.najwa la! menonong*(if u know what that means.hehe.) jalan and kitorg pun ikut je la dia because at that time she was busy,no! WE were busy talking about her new bag that she bought dekat indon, haih jealous* hehe.sampai masuk train salah.hehe, turun at Bangsar then naik balik train straight to klcc. wanie waited for us there.
our lunch was great.we talked and laughed and talked.it was my first time seeing alya since cuti started arituh.her hair grew longer! panjang gila. cantik.beb, trim la please? hehe.saje,jealous.cuz i so wna hair just like her,senang diurus.i miss talking with her.
wanie had a bit problem, poor her.
you have us,dun give a shit la pasal yang lain.dont think too much.we're here for you,like u did for me and for us.
stay strong,this is just the beginning =)
najwa! bergaya jer selalu.hehe.she told us about her vacation to jakarta n bandung last week.it was fun hearing it cuz yea, ader je scene-scene yang kelaka.with adam (her youngest brother) and her sakit perot thingy.hehe, kau salah makan la beb! kesian dia.
alya suggested to go to petrosains.all of us agreed.it was my first time pergi sana.i was amazed by the time i entered the place.sangat fun and very interesting.we tried to play with some stuff,hehe.mcm budak-budak je.
then, we went to topshop,cuz wanie wanted to buy jeans.dia da kurus! td yang u try tu lawa la.haish.beli yang the second one u tried ok! went jalan-jalan..and my kaki sangat sakittttttt.
around 5.45, all of us da nak balik.wanie balik ampang.and me,alya n najwa decided to wait for wada, najwa's sister n balik sekali.the lrt sangat penuh! kena berhimpit-himpit! we took the lrt n stopped dekat kerinchi where wada's bf picked us up.
sangat penat.
what a great day.
miss them.